the impact of coffee varieties and processing on cupping and roasting

How well do you know coffee?

We know that it becomes complex to integrate the work on the farm like coffee processing, fermentation styles… with your roasting or cupping skills. Many times there is a lack of communication maybe because you do not speak the same language or there are just too many people in between.

When important information is missing, results may be affected

You always want to get the best out of the coffee but if important information from the farm is missing there is a probability that your work will often be based on guessing rather than decisions and you might sacrifice the potential of the coffee much easier.

Results based on guessing
Results based on real knowledge

Learn with us from the origin

We want to highlight and teach you the impact of varieties and processing on roasting and tasting. Taking advantage of our origin knowledge we want to help you improve the results in the final product by making better decisions.



José grew up in the coffee farm Capilla del Rosario. For 7 years he has been experimenting with specialty coffee. When he met the team of Desarrolladores de Café back in 2018 we started with coffee tourism and education. A few milestone is his coffee live are:

  • Coffee grower all his life
  • COO of iFinca
  • Coffee consultant for farmers of the PEC program
  • Coffee teacher at Instituto Superior Mariano Moreno

ABOUT Nikolai Fürst

Nikolai is a cultural & social anthropologist and founded in 2016 Desarrolladores de Café. His vision was developing out-standing coffees rather than hunting them. A few milestone is his coffee live are:

  • 2018 opening his coffeeshop DDC 
  • 2019 German Cup Tasting Champion
  • Since 2020 Barista Hustle coach & team member (he helped to develop the processing course)
  • 2020 First place at Kaffeepanel (roasted filter coffee competition)
  • 2021 2nd place at German’s Brewer’s Cup
  •  2021 Specialty coffee roasting consultant for Tchibo.

